Noble City's vision is to become a strong church that seeks the welfare of the city. Strong churches are led by well-equipped leaders who shepherd everyone into the abundant life that is only possible through Jesus Christ.
The church is God’s family. She was bought with a price and is led by the Risen Christ, who, in all His glorious might, seeks to bring the gospel to every nation through the ministry of churches worldwide. There is no more noble task than leadership in the local church. Leadership is about service and shepherding. Ultimately, leaders equip and empower people to utilize their giftedness for the benefit of all.
The local elders are responsible for the ongoing nurture and mission of the church, whereby the lifestyle of the community of God becomes attractive to a watching world.
Rev. benjamin Murray - pastor
Ben and Bekah planted Noble City in their home in 2014. What began as a single house church has grown by God's grace into an emerging network of house churches. Ben is passionate about the progress of the gospel and working with marginalized communities to build healthy churches that endure so that they can be a blessing to the whole city. Ben and Bekah live in the Avenues with their three children. He earned his bachelors at Lancaster Bible College and Master of Ministry at the Antioch School of Leadership Development and Church Planting.
Rev. Dr. Matthew Lynskey - Teaching Pastor
Matt and Sukey joined Noble City in August of 2015. With senior pastor experience and international missionary work under their belts, the Lynskeys are a huge encouragement and help. Matt and Ben have been friends and coworkers in the gospel for over 15 years, dreaming of one day working together. Matt is the Executive Director of the Noble Collective, a church-based missionary society. He has seven children and lives on the south side of York City.
Dr. Ed Foster - Elder
Ed and Traci joined Noble City in early 2015. Ed is a retired doctor of internal medicine and a graduate of Wheaton College. He is an effective teacher and a seasoned youth worker. With three kids out of the house, he is the eldest elder, someone the young bucks are grateful to have on the team. Over 25 years ago, Traci started Logos Academy and was once Ben's boss. Ed and Traci are dearly loved and honored team members—the Fosters live across the street from York College.
Rev. Steve Lundy - Elder
In October 2015, Steve and Joanna took a huge step of faith and moved to York City. When they moved, Joanna was only a few weeks away from giving birth to their third child. Their move of faith to join this work helped to build our faith. Steve is an experienced elder and works at Ring as a Senior Manager. He helps create collaborative environments and is incredible at getting teams to maximize their effectiveness. Steve and Joanna now live near Cousler Park with their four children (plus mother-in-law) and lead a house church in their home. Steve graduated from the Antioch School with a Master of Ministry, a church based leadership development program run at Noble City. He was ordained November 2019.
Bryan Platania - Elder
Bryan and Pamela have been with Noble City from the beginning, taking a leap and partnering with Ben and Bekah to plant the church. Bryan is a graduate of Lancaster Bible College and a seasoned leader in the church. While serving as one of the elders, he leads a weekly house church gathering. Bryan works as a construction administrator with an architectural firm out of Lancaster, is working on his master of ministry through the Antioch School, and is pursuing ordination. The Platanias live in the Avenues with their two children.
Elders and leading women gathering monthly to shepherd the church.