Plan Your Visit
Service begins at 10:00am
We are located at 450 W. King St.
Park in the rear lot
Enter through back gym doors
Childcare is provided for 5 and under
Noble City launches services January 2018
We sing a diverse selection of musical genres. There are no pews and we gather around tables. The service is interactive. You will be invited to pray together and, during the teaching, there are opportunities for discussion and questions.
Childcare is provided for children 5 and under. Our volunteers have the necessary clearances required by the state. Families are encouraged to sit with their children throughout the service. We encourage children five and up to bring Bibles, follow along, and take notes during the teaching.
The service lasts from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm.
We are a protestant evangelical church, conservative in our theology and radical in our love. We preach directly from the Scriptures and desire to make the name of Jesus known in our city.